Thank you to all our participants and honorees and a very special thank you to the mayor of Robbins, Mayor Darren Bryant, Trustee Michael Collier and Trustee Tiffany Robinson.
**If you are having a problem purchasing through our website, you can send your payment via Ca$hApp to $VikingsEagles and send a text to (708) 465-1622 with your child's name and the problem you had. If you don't have Ca$hApp, use the "Donate" button at the bottom of the screen and send a text to the above number.
2024 Competition Cheer
Please be sure to list the child's name in the note section. Competition Cheer will compete against other Cheer organizations and travel with the opportunity to go to Florida for the National Competition. After July 1st, registration goes up to $500
2024 Game Day Cheer
Please be sure to list the child's name in the note section. Cheer at games, no competition